O libro desaparecido
Vía Trafegando ronseis (manantío inesgotable, grazas, moitas grazas) chego a esta peza que forma parte dos materiais publicados por Leer.es, espazo magnífico do Ministerio de Educación de fomento da lectura destinado a docente, familias e mediadores. Neste lánguido Ano da Lectura en Galicia boto en falta sequera algunha iniciativa na rede coma esta. Mais coa que está caíndo sobre nós, iso xa é «pataca minuta». Para rematar esta triste semana, recomendo este relato visual de catro minutos e medio sobre o valor da lectura, tenche intriga, un puntiño didáctico asumible e unha música ben xeitosa. Funciona.
Good steps have been used in this article. By giving these type of examples we can easily understand what the writter is saying in this article.
This is an interesting approach. Perceptions of how one is viewed certainly does influence what we say and don’t say.
Please keep on posting such articles as this is a rare thing to
find these days. I am always searching online for articles that
can help me.
hey buddy,this is one of the best posts that I’ve ever seen; you may include some more ideas in the same theme. I’m still waiting for some interesting thoughts from your side in your next post
The background music in video is much impressive.